Top Ten Kitchen Essentials

They say that Abs are made in the kitchen. Well, technically that’s not true, you’re born with them but, what you do in the kitchen will go a long way towards you being able to see them again. Eating and drinking healthy will also have you feeling so much better as well as give you the energy to get through the day with a smile on your face.

The thing is, healthy eating can be difficult and time consuming if you aren’t really sure about what you are doing or don’t have the right tools for the job.

I would consider myself an ok cook and can make a decent meal, however cooking is definitely not something I am passionate about. I think of it more as a necessity than something I enjoy doing. I do like to eat well though, so it does pay to have some skills and having the right tools definitely do help with that. Nothing fancy (see number 10 to step things up) but everything I need to make quick, healthy and tasty meals.

So, bearing in mind this may be pretty basic for a lot of you (it’s Marty not Kelly writing this :)) here are my top ten “tools” for the job of getting things right in the kitchen.

1. Ninja Blender

This is a serious upgrade from a Nutribullet which I used to have but it is worth it. From post-training shakes to mid-morning or afternoon smoothies to protein whip deserts this is the best. 

The one thing we all need to do is eat more veggies but veggies first thing in the morning are not always palatable. A green smoothie with added berries though is a sensational idea. Yes, it does sit on my bench permanently which I am not a fan of but I use it so much and the Ninja is so good it is worth it. 

My basic smoothie recipe? 3 parts frozen veg and 1 part frozen fruit

2. Aarke Sparkling Water Maker

Dehydration is one of the biggest stressors on the body but let’s face it, plain water is boring and buying sparkling water is costly. Also, if you’re buying from plastic bottles it’s neither good for you nor the environment.

The Aarke will sit stylishly on your bench and make hitting your water goal for the day a lot easier.

Add some fruit (such as a squeeze of lime or sliced cucumbers or strawberries) and some electrolytes to take things to the next level.

3. George Foreman / Contact Grill

Yes, the George Forman is an old school classic but for me it just makes life so simple and I use it almost every night.

You can cook a number of things on here but potatoes are where it’s at for me. Be it Ruby Blue or Sweet Potato (Orange or Purple), simply cut a centimetre thick, add a tiny bit of avocado oil or melted butter, some seasoning and salt and you are sorted.

4. Rice Cooker

Turn it on, add two-parts water to one-part rice and you are done. I have the Breville and it automatically turns off and will even keep it warm if you would like. Cold rice is fine by me though and is actually higher in resistant starch which has been shown to be beneficial for the gut.

Trust me though, this is 100% fool proof so if you love to multitask and are easily side-tracked then you will never have to worry about messing up your rice ever again.

5. Coffee Percolator / Machine

Who doesn’t love good coffee? Life is too short not to be able to enjoy a good coffee so the investment I made in this coffee machine was well worth it. I use organic coffee and almond milk as I don’t do too well with dairy. 

It has been shown that you are better to wait a few hours before your first coffee but I really enjoy waking up early and enjoying chilling with the dogs and my coffee before I start the day. 

Also, considering the price of a coffee at a cafe these days, this is definitely a good investment. 

6. Quality Knife 

It’s amazing how much easier and enjoyable prep work in the kitchen is with this bad boy. I have tried a few and currently use a Miyabe Japanese Knife that is the best so far. 

“Combining the traditions and craftsmanship of Japanese sword makers with the excellence of German engineering, this Miyabi 5000FDC Gyutoh Chef Knife 24cm is an all purpose knife, use for all meats, fish, as well as slicing and dicing of fruits and vegetables.”

7. Stainless Steel Bowls

Easily overlooked (particularly if you’re a dude), but these are the best for prepping everything from a one-off salad to spicing or saucing meats to getting the potatoes ready for the George.

I will even use them to whisk up some chocolate brownies once a month. – You can’t go wrong with Noshu Sugar Free Gluten Free Brownie mix. Just don’t kid yourself, there are still lots of calories in here so once a month is plenty and don’t eat the whole thing at once like I do. 

Easy to clean and make them large enough to prevent yourself from making massive mess in the kitchen. You definitely need to get yourself a couple at least.

8. BBQ

So no, I don’t have a BBQ in my kitchen, but this is the best way to cook meat and chicken in my opinion, so I had to include it.

Quick, easy and it gives you the ability to cook all your meat for the day in one hit so it is definitely a must have. I even use it for cooking pizzas on a pizza stone undercover on the BBQ as it is quicker and easier than my pizza oven.

9. Non Stick / Cast Iron Pan

Is there anything more annoying that having your food stick to the pan? I have heard great chefs use stainless steel pans but I’m not a great chef so give me the non-stick variety any day. I do throw them out after any sign of “wear and tear” though. No doubt a better cook would ensure they last longer but cooking is not a passion but rather a necessity, so it is what it is.

I also use an Aus-Ion Cast Iron Pan which is 100% non-toxic as far as I know and definitely lasts.

10. Other Options

Rather than give you a tenth item from my kitchen I thought I would give you some suggestions that other people mentioned. All of whom are much better cooks than me I would imagine. Like I said, I keep things pretty basic but if you want to step things up here are some pretty awesome suggestions.

Slow Cooker

I may well look to invest in as slow cooked meats such as lamb shanks and beef cheeks are amazing. The convenience of setting it in the. morning and having dinner ready when you get home is great.

Air Fryer

I don’t use my air fryer as much as I probably could but I think that comes down to fine tuning the recipes. At the moment the lack of taste does not outweigh the convenience but that is probably more my fault than the appliance. 


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